Lyseloth scholarships between January 2025 and the end of 2026.

In 2025, the only available time slots for a residency are:

  • June 2 to June 29
  • August 31 to September 14
  • October 8 to October 26
  • from November 8 onward

The «Lyseloth» scholarship comprises free accommodation in one of the guest apartments, including free usage of the infrastructure of the “Musikwohnhaus”. 

All apartments are sound proof and are intended for rehearsing. 

There are additional common rooms at the guests' disposal for rehearsing and recording projects.

To get around in the city a bicycle is at the guest’s disposition and the Baselcard allows free usage of the public transport system within the city perimeter.

The scholarship will be granted for a period between two and eight weeks. Along with the accommodation, the beneficiary is awarded a weekly allowance of CHF 200 to cover the basic living cost. The scholarship is open to artists in all fields.

No specific work requirements or other obligations are attached to the scholarship. Whether someone is looking for seclusion or for intense cooperation with other artists, both are possible and encouraged at the ”Musikerwohnhaus Basel“. 

We do encourage interaction with other artists or the public to provide insight into the creative process and the work accomplished at «Lyseloth», for instance in form of  a concert, an exhibition or a lecture. 

It is expected, that the scholarship holder leaves behind an artistic trace at «Lyseloth» (a sketch, audio or video recording, a text or a book, etc.).

Upon agreement a scholarship holder may exhibit art created at «Lyseloth» in the show windows next to  the entrance on Lothringerstrasse. 

Fabienne Robin (management guest apartments), Remo Schnyder (musician), Fabian Gisler (musician) and Miro Galtagirone (musician) are responsible for selecting the scholarship holders.

Application process:

Should you be interested in a scholarship, submit the application form with an up-to-date CV, and cover letter outlining your motivation to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. 

Please do not send your application as hard copy.

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